UPDATE on The Farnham Facial Hair Project

I can't deny it's getting exciting with publishing the book so close; yes, almost ready!
The Farnham Facial Hair Project started back in 2014 as a little side project to keep me out of trouble in the quieter times, with the idea it might raise some cash for the Phyllis Tuckwell.
It has been a journey and a huge amount of work to be honest; starting a project like this with no actual forward planning isn't advisable, especially as I am only now learning about the logistics of publishing, which I am doing myself. Learning curves!
Recently I received a draft copy of the book. It needs a little editing but it's pretty much there. I have met with Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care and we're sorting out the legals which should be signed and approved by the end of the month. In the mean time I will be putting together a promotional video for the crowdfunding website. Then it's Inertia Dampeners on and Kessel Run records to break!So we have 159 faces in the book which I hope will create an enormous network of interested book buyers. The crowdfunding website will allow buyers from anywhere and I'll set shipping options for the UK and abroad as well as local studio collections.
The more books sold the more money I can give to the Hospice so hopefully we'll get lots of support.